Thursday, 1 September 2011

Discovering new music

I love music... I just don't listen to it any more. I do wonder how I've gone from listening and playing music all the time to not even having a favourite band!

It's not because I lack the means: my iPhone and headphones goes everywhere with me; I have a CD player in the car; a decent hi fi system; an iTunes account and Napster subscription. There's no excuse.

So why don't I listen to music? I guess it's partly because I'm busy (working, digging, cleaning, being a mum). But I think it's more than that - I've gotten out of the habit. It started when my daughter was young - music was replaced by nursery rhymes (we were given some really good American ones that were sung in in different styles and were fun to listen to). Then they went to be replaced by stories and chatting - which is good because my 5 year old is articulate and knowledgeable about her surroundings, science, arts, life and... road signs!

I was reading new blogs tonight and much to my surprise discovered new music. As the nights draw in I think I'm not going to turn on the tv (it's been idle since March). Instead I'm going to try and use my Napster account more, dust off old CDs and records and use Napster, YouTube and other sources to find new music. As a starter, here's a couple of songs I've discovered tonight (mellow because of the hour).

Charlie Winston, 'I love your smile'

And here's a song I loved as a child, sung by Eddi Reader 'Dainty Davie'


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